I don't always put pen to paper in pursuit of the
written word.
Take a look at the more visual products of my creativity.
ArtworkI've put the best of these up at my DeviantArt account, with annotations. Future artwork will probably continue to be uploaded there.
ComicsOf course, there's not too much of that possibility that you can realize with a 24-hour deadline. "Shadows" was my September 2001 attempt at producing a 24-page, one-day comic -- and to find out why I attempted such an insane task, you'll have to read it. I have also drawn a serial comic called "Furry the Hamster," among other, lesser works; and hope to post some more of my material here when I scan it in the future.
In case you're noticing a trend by now ... you're right; this section is
little more than a placeholder.
As of its most recent strip (2009-07-10), its MTBU (Mean Time Between Updates) is 484 days. Updates have occurred at a minimum of 33 days and a maximum of 1,329 days; the standard deviation is an astounding 518 days, longer than most webcomics survive! MAAD has been drawn with the same Wacom Graphire tablet since its inception. For easy reference, here's a list of the strips (which have faithfully followed my journal as it has migrated from Tomorrowlands to LJ):
Page last updated July 10, 2009
Design © 2000 Tad "Baxil" Ramspott.