Last updated on June 03 1997
Click on any element of the (sample) Dragon Code below to jump
immediately to that section of the Code.
Race Update: A whole slew o' suggestions have come in, and we've now got DC.'s for: Dolphins (Do), Dwarves (Dw), Elementals (e), Merfolk (M), Demons (N), and felines (C). The shapeshifter tag has been expanded, too! (Were-creatures -- those who switch between human and animal -- should now use the shapeshifter tag.)
New Page: I'm now keeping a page of Proposed Tags, for folk who think the Dragon Code isn't extensive enough. (They're all highly optional ... but if you like 'em, use 'em.)
Under Consideration: The new Ubiquity element, for dragons with (or without) a history as long as their tail.
Under Consideration: The DragonHold DC added a Gender code after the Race section. If you think this would be a positive addition to the Dragon Code at large, send me a tag proposal! (The format that they're using conflicts with the shapeshifter information.)
The promised CGI-based decoder is still in the works.
Using the Dragon Code, you can convey a paragraph's worth of standard information about your persona in a single line of text. The code is traditionally used in your "signature" when posting to Usenet or answering mail.
The Dragon Code is not just for dragons! It got its name from its place of origin, the newsgroup on Usenet, but is by and large designed to be used by beings of all races.
As for its history, the creator of the Dragon Code explains...:
Well, the whole history is very simple. I was on afd around the time the geek code became very popular. I decided to alter it a little to my own purposes and create the dragon code. I did that, and posted it... a few people noticed it and still use it, then I left afd for a while and, other than a couple of e-mails a few months later, that was it. Then, suddenly, I find it widely in use... *grin* I must say I'm flattered.
![]() | What's with all the changes?How do I get a change proposed? |
However, please remember that the Dragon Code is designed to express information about who you are on AFD. Not all AFD'ers are the same person in Earthly life as they are in the newsgroup, so codes on human information (for instance: political leanings, time spent on the Internet per week, or religion) are not appropriate to the spirit of the Code.
DC.H f+ s-
df+++ h--- CF
a(d- h++) $-- m**
o+ d+
WL++ Fr--
L^ Bnone
e+ g+
i- u+
Kind of BeingStarts with a capital "DC" for Dragon Code, then the code for your race:
| |
For Mixed Races/Shapeshifters:
If your race is not represented here: Please mail me, and I will add your code to
the list as soon as possible. |
DietMost dragons eat ... something. This is to determine your favorite foodgroups.
Social LifeSome dragons live in secret, but many have told their friends. This element describes how open you are about your involvement with draconity.
Many dragons have different levels of secrecy with their local circle than they do with their Internet acquaintances. If you wish to split your 's' code to reflect this, give a rating for both Real Life socialness and Virtual Reality socialness, like so: A dragon who told nobody except for some Internet friends might be sRL--- sVR+, or s(RL--- VR+). The RL/VR split was suggested by The Drachinhaber. |
Dragon FriendApplies primarily to non-dragons under the dragon-code protocol. (All this from the dragon's perspective, of course!)Dragons (DC.D) should most likely skip this section.
Hoard SizeNeeds no explanation.
ColorationUp until early 1997, the way to show your color was to write C followed by the color, like Cred or Cgreen. Cerulean (no address available) suggested a revision which codified the most common colors into single letters.As before, the colour code will be preceded by a C. Following the C will be a letter or letters representing the dragon's colour or colours: | |
If your color is not on the list, go ahead and write it out. If your
color is on the list, but you're not the basic hue, these might help:
MODIFIERS M Metallic prefix. (for instance, MB=metallic blue.) (Don't bother using M in front of what is obviously a metal.) T Transparent. Can be a prefix. (TG=green glass.) H Luminous/glowing. Can be a prefix. (HR=glowing red.) [<Gr.halos] f Flame/fire. D Dark prefix. (DB=dark blue) L Light prefix. (LB=light blue) - Colourless. For crystal, ice, or invisible dragons. Multi-coloured dragons may wish to specify the ways in which their colours are combined with these symbols: | stripes W|K means white with black stripes. . spots W.K means white with black spots. @ mottled W@K is black mottling on a white base. ^ dorsal points W^K is a white dragon with a black pointy spine. w wings WwK is a white dragon with black wings. ~ tail W~K is a white dragon with a black tail. * stars Astrals may prefer this to "spots" : eyes Oh, come on. You don't need to, do you? # plaid Greffindel only. #G to be precise. Those transitioning from one type to another: > CW>K is a white dragon whose color is changing to black. (Theslin suggested @ for mottled.) |
AgeNot all dragons age at the same rate, as Auryanne has noted. This category has been changed slightly from its original version to reflect this diversity.If you prefer to go by your human age rather than your dragon age, here's a simple formula: Teenagers are a-, a is 20 or up, and every 20 years beyond that adds one +.
If you really want to be thorough, you can include both ad and ah
(both a dragon and a human age). Format is either:
MoneyDifferent dragons have different attitudes about their money. How would you describe yourself?Some people have noted that they see having both "h" and "$" as redundant. I don't think so; h describes horde SIZE and $ is ATTITUDE.
Those eight elements made up the original Dragon Code. Starting in September / October 1996, many new revisions were proposed. The following have passed the test of time:
Mating Statusby Nazaroth and Baxil (me).Sure, there are those lucky dragons among us who are mated in reality (code m**), but what about those who have a Special Someone on the newsgroup? Or are looking? Or are hiding from the lookers? Narlaq has suggested an additional category:
OffspringDesigned to be used as a supplement to the Mating code, above, this would measure the number of offspring separately from mating status. It would only be used, obviously, by beings who wished to acknowledge their young'ns in their Dragon Code.Tephra explains the intent of the 'o' tag: Aury, Quen, and I made a fuss about including hatchlings in the mating status portion of the dragon code. I *think* the final out come was that there should be no reference to hatchlings in mating status because of the implication that you aren't *really* mated unless you have hatchlings. One of us, perhaps me *shrug*, suggested a hatchling section (designated 'o' for offspring or some such) with +'s for the number of hatchlings. Those with large numbers of hatchlings may shorthand the +'s with the number of hatchlings. There was some noise over distinguishing 'real', 'RP', 'adopted', etc, but I pointed out that hatchlings are hatchlings and they all should be loved equally and it sort of died off. Maybe someone else bothered to note all this stuff down somewhere. This is still in the experimental stage, but if you do have offspring and you think the 'o' tag is a good idea, feel free to put it in. |
Draconity IndexYour Draconity Index mainly measures real-life draconity. A good guideline is to think of d+++ as "I am a dragon spirit, stuck in a human body," of d as "I'm really not sure," and of d--- as "Look, I love dragons, but I'm not one."
Wings / LegsShadowdragon offered a format for information on your dragon's number of limbs. (You can mail him here, if the homepage link is down.)
It has also been suggested, by Kaijima, that the caret ("^") be used to represent a pair of arms. Therefore, a winged human could be represented by either WL++* or WL+^*. Limbs which are used for walking should still be counted as legs, even if opposable-thumbed. |
FruitinessWhat is a fruit?
It's one of the great running jokes of that there are
two types of dragons: Old Fruits and Young Nuts. Nobody really knows what
makes a Fruit (also variously called Olde Fruites); it's been the subject
of much debate. Generally, though, if everybody knows your name, and
people generally listen to your rants, you're a Fruit.
Two fruitiness standards were eventually proposed. One is based on the length of time that you've been here, and one is based on general fruitlike attitude and tendencies. Both of them provide useful yardsticks, but I don't think one has any inherent advantages over the other, so I've kept both. My personal recommendation is that you choose the standard that works best for you, and then just give yourself +/-'s based on that standard. You are under no obligation to reveal which standard you are judging yourself on. :-) This is the first proposed Fruitiness standard (by Shim): ...To which someone protested that fruitiness was a state of mind, not a number, and the following revision was suggested by Nazaroth:
Length(Visit the Length Standard Page to see all of the originally-proposed standards and their history.)The Length tag has a great deal of flexibility: You can give your exact length by using the Wyrm System, below; the Baxil System, right underneath it, is for those who don't know an exact length and just wish to specify an approximation (or those who are sensitive about their height). Please note the tag is "L" (capital L) -- the lower-case L is too easily mistaken for Irritability's "i" or for the number 1.
Numerical System(Based on Wyrm's proposal)
Quantified System(Based on Baxil's proposal)
Measurements are nose-to-tail. (If you want to be specific about how long your tail is, use a format like L40t15 , for a forty-foot
dragon whose tail was 15 of those 40.)
Breath WeaponThere is also a "Breath Weapon" element:Wyrm suggested using a format similar to the original coloration tag: Cerulean (no address available) codified many of the more common elements into single-letter codes. (Credit goes to SoKhar for "P".) A acid R rot C cold/frost W wind E enchantment Sm smoke F flame/fire St steam I ice Su sulphur L lava/magma Z lightning/electricity P plasmaAt the moment, those who breathe Skittles or whatever will have to spell it out as per Wyrm's suggestion. |
Magical ExperienceDrekana has proposed the following structure for your experience in magery (or whatever you choose to call your control over the paranormal):I am inclined to treat the "!" as a modifier to any of the other +/- elements, so someone who isn't technically an Archmage but considers themself at the top of their trade can add a "!". |
Body ShapeJust as humans, when they gain weight, grow both up and ... uh ... that other direction (*grin*), so do dragons. Ignightus proposed (half-jokingly) a Girth element ("in honour of Athelind"):
A great warning of who NOT to pick on!! Do you have a quick temper, or are you slow to anger? i--- You could stab me and I wouldn't blink i-- I take it all in stride i- Just don't call me lizard lips and you're fine i I will defend my honor, but I won't attack for no reason (unless it's a good no reason!) i+ Call me grumpy i++ Come too close and you're a cinder i+++ I'd eat my mother if she looked at me wrong Add ! for the statement "...and when I DO get mad, hope you like barbecue!"Mail me comments!
How much have you done prior to making yourself known around the dragon
community? And how much of it can you still remember to brag about?
U--- : "I'm the Vanisher. Odd beholder creatures of which I have no memory whatsoever fight holy wars over me. I'm not a god!" U-- : When I tried to do a past-life regression, I got a "404 not found -- access denied." U- : I'm pretty sure I did something, somewhen, but I haven't much of a clue as to what it was. U : I've done some soul-searching, and got real results. U+ : I can remember several past-life names, and am occasionally recognized. U++ : See that book over there? I wrote that in a different life. U+++ : Not only do I remember everything I ever did, but I remember a few things about you, too. U? : I have no idea what you're talking about. U! : trick question - this is my first life. U2 : My name is Bono. ;-DMail me comments.
The link to the plain-text version of the Dragon Code page has been moved to the navigation tabs. It's up to date as of June 3, 1997.
I'm now starting to maintain an archive of tag
proposals. I receive a lot of suggestions about the Code. Not all of
them are completely appropriate to the spirit of the Code; some are good
but unimplementable; a few just get into minutiae.
All of the tags in the archive are optional; if you find one you like, feel
free to include it with your Code. (But don't be surprised if people have
to look it up or ask you what it means.)
Please ... non-animated and relatively small images preferred.
Seraim maintains a mirror page of this Dragon Code information.
Dragon Hold Dragon Code: The Dragon Hold has a slightly different version of the Code for Hold members. It's maintained by Tserisa.
Take a look at: The Rest Of My Site |
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