In no particular order ...
Gorbash and Selepia's page ... with Flights O' Dragons aplenty! Very thoroughly illustrated ... it's obvious a great deal of work went into the page. He's got a second -- and IMHO lovelier and cleaner (even though it uses frames) site here.
Dymus' lair... A cool (if excessively hyper) friend of mine. And one of the Dominance's Old Fruits. He maintains the Draconity Test and a Dragon Dictionary, and has a fun, fresh style that's entertained AFD for many years.
ElderWyrm's lair ... Listen well, for there is much wisdom here, including a chronicle of the different types of dragons (wyrms). I only wish the site were bigger -- the information is so interesting, it leaves you wanting more.
Amber's Dragon Lair ... You gotta check out the ceramic dragons page here. I don't usually advertise, but this is an exception. =) The "Thought of the Month" is a nice touch, and the pages are well-organized.
Dragonrealm Studios ... Okay,
actually, I do advertise. But only the places whose products blow me
away. These guys make fully poseable five foot long dragons -- I want one, I want one, I want one! And you will too when you go look!
Plus, Dragonrealm's got a great series of web pages whether or not you want to buy anything -- and even a low-bandwidth version for us poor 14.4 and 2400 types.
One last advertising link. Dancing Dragon, the original and best, accept no substitutions, dragon retail catalog around. They've got so much stuff it'll make your tail tie itself in knots! And they even sent me a free mouse pad just for offering to help put the late (and deeply missed) DracoNews online ... what can I say? I'm happy with 'em! :-)
The Ring Tales. A comic drawn by Auryanne. I'm addicted. And you'd better read it too or you'll have very boring dreams. Be sure to examine the rest of her stuff while you're there -- Aury's an interesting dragoness!
Jen Walker's Dragon Page, AKA "Here Be Dragons". The artwork here is seriously mind-blowingly awesome. And it's one of the most thorough pages around, with hundreds of links and contacts.
Ignightus' Home ... Igni uses frames (and -- ugh -- Java), but that's the only flaw in a series of beautifully illustrated and informative web pages. Get to know one of AFD's most known and loved Old Fruits!
Kazin's page has finally settled down and stopped moving around so gosh darned much. Unfortunately, Netscape 2.0 seems to freak at his pages, but the ones that I've managed to see before the system error are excellent. His sense of humor is evident, too, in touches such as the Jake the Cat page (search around; it's worth a look).
Seraim's web page is lavishly illustrated. There's a great deal of information available about subjects both draconic and non-, if you're willing to follow a few links. (And if you're not willing to follow a few links, what are you doing here?) He also maintains the official Dragon Code Mirror Page and ClaWrite Mirror Page.
Kaijima, one of my dearest draconic brothers on the Internet. His pages are ... what more need I say? Except that he's an incredible artist, and understands instinctively what it is to be a dragon. This link will take you to his art archives.
Hey, a dragon ... and a fellow math major! Brimstone's home page is yet more evidence of dragons in the Real World. And how can you NOT like someone who researches group theory?
DragonDreamer's Planet is built with a noticeable sense of humor. It seems to be under heavy construction, but you can still play Find the Hidden Link and enjoy the Psychic Search.
Pangea, another
winner and my closest online sister, made me redefine "large website." I thought I had a huge place to explore ... but even I haven't seen everything on her site yet! It's all here, from an online library to art, sound, literature and non-fiction collections. And Pangea's a professional artist -- it shows in the page design.
I'd love to send you to Kyre's Page, except the poor dwaggie still doesn't have one up yet. Use this link to mail him and bug him to get some Web work done!! (Tell him I sent you.)
Lastly, this page would not be complete if I didn't direct you to the Official Home Page.
Maintained by me, Baxil, and last updated Jun 03 1997
, with minor cosmetic changes and link updating Apr 12 1998