What Dreams May Come

Breathe in, breathe out
Open your eyes
Wake up
And dream what happens next
Your breath
Traces a doorway of fire
Your step
Falls like a heartbeat
Through the door you come
Naked and alone
In one blazing instant
Of truth
You can see everything
Your true self
Your life
Your past
Your future
The others that are also yours
All against the backdrop of
Infinite possibilities
In one blazing instant
You choose
Step through the door
Breathe in, breathe out
Close your eyes and
Wake up.

There is no finish
To a life...

Notes: I believe in reincarnation. It's one of the very few things that I can say I truly believe in. This was partially inspired by a Howard Jones song (I can't remember the title), which I found out later was inspired by the writings of Lao Tsu. Funny how these things happen...

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