Declaration of the Phoenix

I am a metaphor.
I am the medium through which I invent myself.
I am a verb.
As long as I am, I am being.
I am a doorway.
My self is the gateway for everything.

I do not judge.
We are all too good at judging ourselves.
I do not preach.
I cannot tell you an answer you will not accept.
I do not lead.
I light candles along my path, hoping others will find their way.

I am not a messiah.
I am just as lost as you are.
I may be a healer.
By helping you to heal, I learn how to heal myself.
I can be a companion.
I strive to listen and understand everybody's voice.

I have a song
Burning in my head,
Burning from that point within
That touches every other point.
I am only just finding
My voice to share this song.
If I do not let it out,
It will consume me.

Whether you take hold of this flame
Is always, always your choice.
To me, it seems important
That this fire should spread
As far and wide as
I can send it.

Notes: Written a few days after my brush with death. The phrase "I am the metaphor through which I am expressed" came to me in a dream shortly after I got back from the hospital, and the rest flowed from there.

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